Is Kratom Legal In Indiana? Close But Not Quite (2023)

Written by Wade Paul
Last Updated 1 day ago 0 Comments

Wade Paul

Founder & Editor-In-Chief

Wade Paul is the founder and editor-in-chief at

Kratom, a herb native to Southern Asia and touted for its many medicinal properties, is illegal in Indiana.

In this article, we’ll discuss the history of kratom’s legal status in Indiana, whether or not you can purchase it locally or online, and how to shop for it safely.

We’ll also explore the therapeutic benefits associated with this versatile plant medicine.

Is Kratom Legal In Indiana?

No, kratom is still illegal within Indiana state lines under IC 35-48-4-7, despite the recent efforts to change this.

In February 2023, Bill HB 1500 passed the House and was referred to the Committee on Commerce and Technology. This would have removed kratom from the list of controlled substances and regulated the manufacturing and sale of it.

Unfortunately, the bill is dead, but its sponsors plan to try again next year. If you care to join the efforts in legalizing kratom, contact your state representatives and the American Kratom Association.

For now, it’s classified as a Schedule 1 drug alongside heroin, LSD, and ecstasy.

The herb was first prohibited in 2014 and listed as a synthetic narcotic.

Several years later, a correction was made to the legislation under SB74, which removed the active alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine from being considered “synthetic.”

However, the update didn’t change kratom’s legal status.

Related: Why Is Kratom So Controversial?

Why Is Kratom Banned In Some Places?

When kratom first showed up in the Western world, no one knew much about it, even though it was used as traditional medicine in Southeast Asia. It was barely researched, and the few studies we had told us it acted on opioid receptors much like regular opioids do.

Kratom products started popping up everywhere, and people saw a way to make fast money. It’s unregulated, which allowed poor and even dangerous products to be sold. No one knew what quality kratom looked or felt like.

And then some people died with kratom in their systems. This was almost always with other drugs, usually opioids, but this opened the door for misinformation to spread.

Even though we now have more research available pointing to kratom’s safety profile and the World Health Organization stating it isn’t a threat, governments and people remain scared.

So, is kratom dangerous? In a nutshell, no. There are risks, but these are avoidable.

Kratom is addictive, but not like opioids are. You can avoid dependence by taking breaks from it and not taking more than you need. Even with large amounts, it’s hard to overdose on.

It’s also dangerous to mix with some substances, so never use it with drugs, alcohol, or other medications without talking to your doctor.

Related: List of Kratom/Drug Interactions

Where to Buy Kratom In Indiana

Because kratom is illegal in all areas throughout Indiana, you cannot legally purchase the herb in any form within state lines.

There are no local shops, cafes, or other brick-and-mortar retailers that sell kratom.

Learn more about finding kratom in Indiana with the following city guides:

Can You Buy Kratom Online In Indiana?

Online retailers are generally a better option for kratom users for various reasons. However, due to the herb being illegal in Indiana, purchasing online isn’t possible from a reputable source.

You might be able to purchase kratom online from an illegitimate company willing to ship their products illegally. However, doing so isn’t recommended, as you won’t know about the purity of the kratom you’re purchasing.

Additionally, buying and possessing kratom within Indiana is illegal, so you might face jail time or fines up to $10,000, depending on the amount you have and where you’re carrying it.

Reputable online kratom vendors will not ship kratom to any address within Indiana.

What to Look for When Buying Kratom

If you do buy kratom outside of Indiana, there are several things you’ll want to consider when shopping for the best product possible.

Strain Selection

Kratom comes in three strains: white vein, red vein, and green vein. Users report notable differences between the kratom strains, so choosing the one best suited for your needs will lead to the best experience possible. We’ll discuss the differences below.

White-Vein Kratom

White-vein kratom has effects closer to coffee, so you can expect them to be uplifting, energizing, and stimulating. Most users report the ability to focus and concentrate more effectively when using white-vein kratom.

Generally speaking, this kratom strain is best to take in the morning or early afternoon, as the energizing effects might last for several hours.

Red-Vein Kratom

Users of red-vein kratom report the exact opposite effects of white kratom. Red varieties are said to elicit a deep relaxation and, in some cases, sedation.

This is the variety most people use to aid in sleep or to replace over-the-counter or prescription painkillers. The relaxed feeling this strain provides means it’s best to take it at night shortly before going to bed.

Green-Vein Kratom

Green-vein kratom is a middle-of-the-road strain or an all-rounder because it typically provides an experience between white and red varieties.

It may relax you slightly or cause somewhat of an energized feeling, but it’s unlikely to keep you awake or put you to sleep. Green-vein users generally find that they can consume the herb at any time of day without unwanted effects.

Choose a Company With AKA Certification

The American Kratom Association, otherwise known as the “AKA,” is a non-profit organization whose members dedicate themselves to bringing awareness to kratom.

They also work consistently on revising laws to legalize the herb, especially in states like Indiana, with kratom listed as a Class 1 drug.

When you buy kratom outside of state lines, you should always opt for a company that’s certified by the AKA. Certification involves routine product verification and testing to ensure that the product is as potent as the label says, unadulterated, and safe for consumption.

As kratom gains popularity throughout the United States, some vendors sell non-potent kratom powder or add synthetic drugs or other compounds to make the products more addictive. This can waste the user’s money at best and be dangerous for the user at worst.

Purchasing only from AKA-certified kratom vendors is the best way to avoid fake or dangerous kratom products.

Choose a Company With a Good Reputation

Finally, you should always research a company before you consider buying its products. Even in states where kratom is legal, the market tends to have little regulation.

Some companies sell non-potent products, while others may offer impure kratom with potentially harmful additives like opiates or synthetic drugs.

It’s best to do a quick Google search on a company before committing to them. Kratom is generally safe, but consuming products from illegitimate vendors could mean putting yourself at risk of harm.

If you live in Indiana, where kratom is illegal, you can be confident that any company that offers to ship kratom products to you is not legitimate. You should never purchase kratom from a company that delivers to any address within Indiana state lines.

If you’re unsure of a company’s reputation and quality of products, you can always check out our in-depth vendor reviews for guidance.

What Do People Use Kratom for?

Advocates and users celebrate kratom for the various ailments it can reportedly treat. We’ll discuss the most common uses for kratom below.

Pain Management

Pain relief is one of the most common uses for kratom. In fact, kratom is illegal in Indiana because it’s said to mimic the effects of opiates, which are some of the most potent painkillers available.

Kratom interacts with opioid pain receptors, thereby limiting the pain signals that make it to your brain. This can reduce perceived pain to a manageable level in some people and get rid of it altogether in others.

Mitigating Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms

Pain is one of the reasons opiate users become and remain physiologically dependent on prescription painkillers.

Kratom triggers a spike in endorphins, a compound naturally occurring in our bodies that creates the euphoric experience associated with opiates.

This positive feeling, along with a reduction of pain, means kratom can help manage opiate withdrawal symptoms, allowing the person to wean off usage altogether.

Energy & Focus

Many kratom users compare the herb to caffeine, as it tends to boost energy levels, increase focus, and optimize concentration.

Kratom does this by causing a spike in epinephrine, more commonly referred to as adrenaline. This hormone is responsible for the famed fight-or-flight mechanism and naturally boosts our ability to focus and perform.

Anxiety & Depression

Another widespread use for kratom is managing anxiety and depression. These mental illnesses are often caused by abnormally low levels of endorphins in the bloodstream.

According to the Mayo Clinic, spikes of endorphins can ease the symptoms of these illnesses. Since kratom creates an artificial endorphin rush, users report that it helps alleviate the negative feelings associated with anxiety and depression.

Additionally, kratom increases GABA levels in the bloodstream, a neurotransmitter that reportedly can help put the mind at ease.

Is Kratom Safe to Use?

Kratom users and experts alike report that kratom is generally safe to use. As with any substance that triggers a physiological response, kratom can become addictive.

As such, it’s recommended that you don’t use kratom more than four or five days a week and only take between 2 and 12 g each day.

Most adverse effects reported by kratom users come from taking large doses or increasing volume over time. If you find you don’t achieve the desired result with your standard daily dose, it’s best to take a break from using the herb for two to three weeks. This can help avoid negative experiences.

While kratom is significantly safer to consume than prescription painkillers like morphine, oxycodone, and codeine, it doesn’t come without its fair share of potential side effects.

Related: Kratom Dosage Guide

Side Effects of Kratom

We’ll discuss the most frequently reported side effects of kratom use below, along with some tips to mitigate them or avoid them entirely.


Some kratom users report anxious feelings, usually after taking large volumes of kratom. Experts believe that this side effect is related to the spike of epinephrine that kratom triggers. Adrenaline is well known to cause feelings of anxiety when levels stay increased for extended periods.

The best course of action to avoid anxiety when taking kratom is to limit your daily intake to 5 g of kratom powder or less.

Stomach Pain

Another prevalent side effect — once again, most often related to large doses — is an upset stomach. Although the reason for this pain is unclear, limiting your quantity to between 2 and 5 g is recommended to avoid stomach problems.

Decreased Energy

Many kratom users take the herb to increase energy and feel stimulated. The feeling of boosted energy likely comes from your adrenal gland secreting epinephrine in response to the substance.

Over time, experts believe the adrenal gland can become overstimulated and fatigued, leading to overall lower energy.

Taking tolerance breaks for several weeks before restarting daily kratom usage is often the best remedy for low energy.


The spike in epinephrine, once again, is believed to be the culprit behind some kratom users experiencing dizziness when taking kratom. The hormone leads to minimal changes in blood pressure, which can cause dizziness or lightheadedness.

Reducing your dose can help get rid of this symptom in many cases.

Unclear Thoughts

Some users report feeling as though their thought process is slightly impaired when using kratom. Most individuals find relief by decreasing their dose or changing strains.

Other Complications

Some anecdotal evidence supports liver and kidney problems from kratom use, although these problems don’t seem to be an issue within the kratom community.

Experts strongly recommend not taking kratom while pregnant, as it can create issues with your unborn child, similar to how caffeine or other medications or drugs can.

Finally, kratom can create unwanted side effects and experiences if you take it with alcohol or other recreational drugs, including marijuana.

What’s the Future of Kratom
In Indiana?

Currently, Indiana is one of the few states nationwide where kratom is illegal. If you live within state lines, you cannot purchase, sell, possess, or use kratom products legally.

The future of kratom in Indiana is unclear at the moment. Kratom advocacy groups are pushing for legalization in all areas where it’s banned, including Indiana. Unfortunately, these organizations have been working for years to overturn the prohibition in Indiana and have been unsuccessful thus far.

This most recent attempt gives us hope that, eventually, the state will reverse its ban. It helps that each year brings new research showing how beneficial — and safe — kratom can be. Hopefully, everyone will agree that regulating and not banning it is the right step to take.