Kratom Strains

Yellow Bali Kratom: Dose, Benefits, & Risks

Yellow Bali kratom is a powerful strain. Many users compare its effects to those of white vein strains.

It’s not quite as powerful as your average white strain in terms of the stimulating benefits, but it has a wider effect profile which makes it more useful for other applications like sleep or pain support.

In this article, we’ll provide you with the most accurate and reliable information on yellow Bali kratom so you can decide for yourself if this is the best strain for you.

Written by Nigel Ford
Last Updated 3 years ago

Nigel Ford

Medical Herbalist

Nigel is a certified herbalist, avid kratom user, and one of the leading members of our Kratom Vendor Review Board. 

What Is Yellow Bali Kratom?

As the name implies, yellow Bali kratom hails from Bali, Indonesia.

It’s important to learn about the different parts of the name of a kratom strain. This can help you differentiate the effects of one strain from the next.

Generally, kratom strains are broken into two parts. The first part, the color, designates what sort of effects that the kratom will have.

The color doesn’t actually reflect what the kratom actually looks like. There aren’t really any yellow kratom leaves. They’re all different shades of green.

Even red strains don’t actually look that red, although there may be a hint of a red hue in the leaf veins and margins.

More often, the color is simply indicative of what sort of effects you’ll experience. We’ll go more into detail about what ‘yellow’ means in a moment.

The other part of the name generally refers to the region where the kratom is grown. In this case, Bali refers to the Indonesian island known for its lush jungles and friendly monkey communities.

The kratom tree, Mitragyna speciosa, is native to Southeast Asia. While all kratom is kratom, it’s important to note that there can be regional variances between different plants that affect how the plant feels.

This means that the chemical profile of kratom trees growing in Bali, Indonesia, may be a bit different than the trees that you’ll find in Thailand.

Now that you know how to break down the name of a kratom strain, we can get a bit more into detail about what Yellow Bali kratom actually does.

What is Yellow Vein Kratom?

Yellow Bali kratom is one of many yellow vein kratom strains.

So what makes yellow vein — er, yellow? The powder you’ll get in the mail is always a rich shade of green.

The reality is that there’s no clear-cut answer for what a yellow strain is. Yellow Bali may actually vary from vendor to vendor.

That said, with a bit of knowledge, you can still figure out what you’re getting before you pay for it. We’ll teach you how.

If you’re buying yellow kratom from a specific vendor, you may want to message them and ask how they get their yellow strains.

A large number of vendors simply mix different types of kratom together to create the ‘yellow’ moniker.

Some popular vendors mix together red and white strains and call the result yellow. Other vendors mix together red, white, and green to create their yellow blends.

This means that yellow Bali could be a mixture of two or more types of Bali kratom.

However, to really know what you’re buying into, you have to know how kratom colors differ from each other in the first place.

To figure this out, we’ve actually contacted some of the Indonesian kratom farmers and growers. However, it’s important to note that even different growers and farmers have different practices.

In the West, for some reason, people seem to think that the different kratom colors result from the leaves being harvested at different times in the growing season. This isn’t the case.

Kratom leaf veins are generally red when they’re small and young. However, the maturity of the leaf doesn’t really reflect its alkaloid content.

If you go to Indonesia, you’ll see that kratom pickers and harvesters load up their trucks. Nobody separates the leaves when they’re harvesting them. The difference in color comes from the result of their processing methods.

Remember, kratom producers, are selling, quite literally, metric tonnes of leaves. When they’re in the forest or on the plantation, they aren’t spending hours separating the leaves into piles based on the color of the veins.

However, once the leaves get to the facility, the way they’re processed is what makes the biggest difference.

The main part of the processing is fermentation. Green kratom strains are made from simply air-drying the leaves before powdering them.

Red strains are left to ferment for about three days, depending on the humidity. This converts some of the mitragynine into 7-OH-mitragynine, which is more relaxing.

According to Indonesian kratom farmers, yellow strains are fermented in a similar manner as red strains. However, they’re left to ferment for two days instead of 3.

This means it’s more relaxing than regular, air-dried green strains. But it’s not quite as sedating as red strains.

Many vendors also include a bit of white kratom in their yellow strains to increase stimulation.

Understanding that you now know one of the biggest trade secrets in kratom. However, this isn’t really a secret. If you go to Indonesia and talk directly with the farmers or contact them online, they’ll be happy to tell you how they work.

What Does Yellow Bali Kratom Do?

Most people would place yellow vein kratom somewhere in between red vein (sedative and analgesic) and white vein (stimulating and nootropic).

Yellow vein kratom strains are most similar in terms of effects to green vein options but with more emphasis on the stimulating side of the spectrum.

Here’s a basic profile of effects that you can expect from Yellow Bali kratom:

  • Energy: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ — Yellow Bali is fairly stimulating but also quite relaxing.
  • Mood: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ —  Yellow Bali produces fairly powerful mood enhancement.
  • Pain relief: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ — Yellow Bali can be used for pain relief.
  • Anxiety relief: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yellow Bali is fairly stimulating but can also help with anxiety.
  • Sedation: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yellow Bali is not the best for sedation.

1. Increased Mental & Physical Energy

Yellow Bali — at least that which is sold directly from the farms in Bali — is fermented for a few days and then mixed with white kratom. White kratom is the most stimulating variety.

One thing that many people don’t know is that white kratom, when being produced in Indonesia, is mixed with something the farmers call ‘bones.’

The bones are the actual kratom leaf veins. Bones are crumbly and hard to deal with, and farmers tend to only include them in white strains because of their stimulating properties.

Yellow Bali contains some vein powder, which makes it more stimulating than sedative.

2. Elevated Mood

Yellow Bali is a fairly good strain for boosting mood. It can help elevate your mental and physical energy levels throughout the day.

White strains are well-known for causing euphoria. While Yellow Bali isn’t a full-white strain, it contains enough white kratom to share some of the same benefits.

3. Pain Relief

Yellow Bali is a unique strain in the sense that it works well for pain relief but doesn’t necessarily cause over-sedation.

Yellow Bali can help numb pain but remains stimulating enough for you to get your work done. It’s a good option for people using kratom during the day to help manage chronic pain.

Yellow Bali Kratom Dosage

Another interesting fact about kratom is that the dosage has a huge impact on the effects.

Most herbal medicines have a set number of effects that increase in potency as you raise your dose. Kratom doesn’t always work this way.

Kratom tends to be more stimulating at lower doses and more relaxing or sedating at higher doses. Yellow Bali kratom is no exception, although the inclusion of white kratom in the mixture means that yellow Bali errs more on the stimulating side regardless of dose.

Here are some quick guidelines for dosing yellow Bali kratom:

  1. Dosage of Yellow Bali for stimulation — one to three grams. Yellow Bali may remain stimulating at higher doses, but if you’re aiming specifically for stimulation, start with a lower dose.
  2. Dosage of Yellow Bali for relaxation and anxiety relief — between two and five grams. At these doses, yellow Bali may begin to exert more relaxing effects.
  3. Dosage of Yellow Bali for sedation and pain relief — between four and eight grams. Higher doses of yellow Bali begin to produce sedating and analgesic effects.

Related: How much kratom should I take? What’s the best dosage?

Side Effects of Yellow Bali Kratom

While many people would suggest that kratom is completely risk-free, this is a naive assumption.  There’s no such thing as a completely risk-free supplement, and it’s important to be aware of the side effects associated with kratom.

As long as you’re playing it safe and being responsible, you won’t have to worry about much. However, if you’re using high doses of kratom or using it every day, you may experience side effects.

The most common side effects to be on the lookout for include:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety or jitteriness
  • Digestive discomfort
  • Insomnia or stimulation (low doses)
  • Lethargy or grogginess (high doses)

Similar Kratom Strains

Yellow Bali is a great strain, but it’s not for everyone. Check out these similar strains.

1. Green Bali Kratom

Green Bali kratom is a simple, reliable strain of kratom. It’s more stimulating than sedating, but it remains useful for focus and fighting anxiety.

2. White Maeng Da Kratom

White Maeng Da is one of the most stimulating varieties of kratom. Don’t expect to find much sedation here.

If the stimulating and nootropic effects are what you’re after, this could very well be the strongest option in this class.

3. Red Bali Kratom

Red Bali kratom is one of the most sedating strains of kratom. If you need pain relief, anxiety reduction, or sedation, check this one out.

Summary: What is Yellow Bali Kratom?

Despite the confusion surrounding its origin, yellow Bali is a well-rounded kratom strain. It provides just about every benefit kratom has to offer.

If you’re looking for a good strain for casual usage, yellow Bali might be for you.